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EIN Number:

Can you Apply for an EIN Before Forming Your Business?
What is an EIN Number Used For?
Is an EIN the same as a Social Security Number?
What is Form SS-4?
Is an EIN and an FEIN the same thing?
What is the Format of an EIN?
Who Needs an EIN?

Tax ID Number:

What is the Federal Tax ID Number?
Is there a difference between EIN and Tax ID Number?

Estate Tax ID Number:

What Is An Estate?
Does An Estate Need a Tax ID (EIN)?
How Do You Apply for An Estate Tax ID?
How To Open a Bank Account for Estate Funds?
Are Estates Required to File a Tax Return?
Are a Trust and Estate the Same?
Can a Trust File as an Estate?
What is an Estate of Deceased Used For?

Do you have directions on applying in my State?

Yes, we have detailed directions on how to apply for both your Federal Tax ID and State ID by State. Simply click the “Directions by State” button to visit our applications by state and scroll through the list to find your state.

What is a Tax ID (EIN) Number?

An EIN Number (also called a Tax ID) stands for Employer Identification Number. Most people consider an EIN Number like a Social Security Number (SSN) for a business. The IRS requires most businesses to obtain an EIN in order to identify the business for tax purposes. Some advantages of getting your Tax ID / EIN Number include: the ability to open a business bank account or line of credit, to hire employees or to apply for certain business licenses.

How long will it take to receive my EIN Number?

Zoom Filings offers 3 delivery options as follows:
  • 3-Business Day Email Delivery
  • 1-Business Day Email Delivery
  • 60-Minute Email Delivery

Once you have receive your Tax ID (EIN) Number via Email, you will be able to use it immediately to perform certain tasks such as opening bank accounts and/or obtaining local business licenses. Although, if you are trying to file a tax return online, or attempting another task which requires official documentation from the IRS, you will receive your official IRS correspondence via regular mail within 4 weeks.  

What is the EIN Service fee?

Our EIN Obtainment service fee is for document preparation, troubleshooting and filing. Should any complication arise, this fee will never change. For example, the IRS may reject an application if there is an issue with your provided information. In such case, Zoom Filings will work with you and handle any issues prior to resubmitting on your behalf. This is all included in our fee so that we will never raise a posted price.

Why choose Zoom Filings for an EIN Number vs. the IRS?

At Zoom Filings, we are proud of the many unique features and benefits that our service provides, which you cannot get directly from the IRS. We understand that you can work directly with the IRS to obtain your Tax ID / EIN Number for no charge, so we are constantly releasing new features that aren’t available from the IRS. For example, coming soon…SMS text message delivery!

Please take a minute to learn all the ways we provide more than the IRS:

  1. Ease of Discovery – Any task takes time, and locating what you need is part of the process of getting things done! The IRS website is a large government site with dozens of services and is not very intuitive in it’s presentation of each. In fact, the average time it takes just to locate the EIN form on the IRS website is about 15 minutes. This is one and a half times the length of time it takes to complete our entire application. We save you time and help you avoid that wild goose chase.
  2. Simplified EIN Application – The irs.gov EIN Application is split into multiple pages for a single application. With our easy one-page form, you can be on your way in as little as 5 minutes. Our website gets you in and out quicker and still provides you with everything you need.
  3. Under One Roof – Sure, you can visit your Secretary of State to form a business and then navigate through the IRS website to locate your EIN number, etc. The list goes on and on, but it’s far easier to manage and keep track of everything when using a single provider. Zoom Filings offers more than just what the IRS can provide. Work with us to form your company or corporation, obtain your EIN and do many other things under the comfort and convenience of having all your items under one roof.
  4. SS-4 Preparation – The IRS website provides each EIN applicant with an “EIN confirmation notice” but sometimes this isn’t enough. Many banks will require a completed SS-4 document in order to open an account. Zoom Filings can provide you with both of these documents at no additional cost
  5. Twice the Hours – Our Online EIN Application is open and available 24/7! This is more than twice the available hours from the IRS website, as their EIN form is only available 6am to 9pm Central Time and only on week days. That’s a total of only 75 hours per week. We hope you’ll appreciate the convenience of never being turned away.
  6. No Hold Time – In certain cases, the IRS will require applicants to apply via phone or fax. This includes waiting on hold to connect with an IRS agent often taking 40 minutes or longer. If this is the case, Zoom Filings will call and wait on your behalf so that you don’t have to. For our customers, the application process is always fast and convenient.
  7. Email Support – In today’s modern world, websites are expected to offer Email Support as a bare minimum. Surprisingly, the IRS does not provide email assistance for EIN applicants – lengthening hold times and creating unnecessary hassle for the simplest of questions. As such, Zoom Filings is proud to offer 24/7 Email Support, with a guaranteed response time of one business day!
  8. Online EIN Recovery – Your EIN number will be required in numerous situations while running your business. In the unlikely case that you have misplaced your EIN, we make it simple to recover your EIN online. The IRS will require you to call in and wait on hold in order to get this done – but not Zoom Filings! Simply send us an email and we’ll contact you with your EIN within one business day.
  9. SMS Text Message Delivery – Coming Soon!

How do I cancel my EIN Number order?

If we have not yet delivered your EIN Number, you may contact us via Email at any time and we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

I’ve lost my new EIN. How do I retreive it?

If you’ve misplaced your EIN Number after we’ve provided you one, all you have to do is send us an email request from our Contact Us page. Please include your Customer ID so we can confirm that you are the appropriate party.

What’s the difference between a Tax ID and an EIN Number?

Essentially, a “Tax ID Number” and an “EIN Number” are the same thing. Although, this is only at the Federal level. Be advised that each state has it’s own Tax ID Number as well, aside from the Federal version – this is called a State Tax ID Number. One can see how it is easily confused with a “Federal Tax ID”. Keep in mind that an EIN Number is always at the federal level (sometimes called an FEIN (Federal EIN) and there are no state level EIN Numbers. “EIN” stands for Employer Identification Number.

Who can apply for a Federal EIN?

Any business owner, principal officer, trustor, grantor, etc. applying for a Federal EIN must provide a valid Taxpayer ID Number (Social Security Number, Individual Taxpayer ID Number or Federal Tax ID) during the application – along with detailed information about the entity. If you do not have this information ready, simply bookmark our application and return to the site once you have obtained the required information.

How long is my EIN good for?

This will depend on your type of business. Sole Proprietors get only one EIN Number from the IRS. This EIN can be used immediately and is good until the Sole Proprietorship is closed. This is the only case in which an EIN doesn’t change.

On the other hand, all other business types work differently. The IRS will assign a different EIN Number each time a new one is requested. For example, if you have misplaced your S-Corporation’s EIN Number, you may get a new one via the IRS or any professional EIN filing service. The number you receive will not be the same as your previous EIN but will be ready for immediate use.

Can an EIN cover multiple DBAs (Fictitious Business Names)?

A business can operate under multiple different names through the use of DBAs. Whether you use a single fictitious name or dozens, you may use a single EIN Number – as long as you remain a single company.