Idaho Tax ID (EIN) Number Application Guide

Registering a Tax ID (EIN) Number in Idaho? Apply online and receive your Tax ID Number in under 1 hour using this quick Idaho Tax ID Application Guide. Most find it surprising that one is required to prepare identifying info about each business owner, even if you own a Corporation, Trust, Non-Profit, Partnership, Estate or multi-member LLC. This simple Tax ID (EIN) Number guide will help you while applying for your official Tax ID (EIN) Number in Idaho.

Steps to Obtain your Tax ID (EIN) Number in Idaho:

  1. Prepare Required Information
  2. Apply for an Idaho Tax ID Online
  3. Apply for an Idaho Tax ID by Phone, Mail or Fax
  4. How Do I Get a Tax ID Number in Idaho?
  5. How Do I Get a State Tax ID Number?
  6. How Do I Get an Idaho State Tax ID Number?

1. Prepare Required Information

The first step to applying for your tax ID is a stress-free one, and it’s going to make the rest of the application process simpler and faster for you. All you have to do is gather a few pieces of information about your business and your partners so you can complete the application efficiently.

Start by recording the full legal names, legal addresses, and social security numbers (SSNs) of all your founding members (including yourself and any partners). Then, if you haven’t already, decide on your business name. Applying for your tax ID registers your business with the government, so you need to have an official name in place.

2. Apply for an Idaho Tax ID Online

You’ll have a few options when applying for your tax ID, but in all cases, it’s best to apply online. Online applications are remarkably convenient, since you can access them at any time and from any device with an internet connection. They’re also highly accessible and easy to understand, so you won’t waste any time figuring out what to do. This is especially true when you compare online applications to their much less convenient, traditional alternatives.

If you have all the information listed in the preceding section, it should only take you 5 minutes to fill out the application. The questions are straightforward, and there aren’t many to worry about. Once you’re done with the application, you should receive your tax ID by email in less than an hour. This is by far the biggest advantage of online applications, since this method allows you to start your business faster (and start making money).

3. Apply for an Idaho Tax ID by Phone, Mail or Fax

Despite all the natural advantages of applying online, there are some other application methods to consider. If you feel comfortable talking on the phone to a representative, you could answer the application questions about your business in an interview-style format. You could also fill out a paper application, then mail or fax it in. These methods are more time-consuming and intensive to get through, and when you’re done, you’ll be forced to wait up to 4 to 6 weeks to get your tax ID by mail. Compared to the hour it takes to get a tax ID after your online application, that’s an excruciatingly long time.

4. How Do I Get a Tax ID Number in Idaho?

You may need a federal tax ID number in Idaho for one or more of several reasons. This number, sometimes called an employer identification number (EIN) or simply a “tax ID,” is necessary if you’re going to hire employees, or if your business has multiple members. This is always the case of any partnership, corporation, or LLC with more than one member. You will also need a federal tax ID number if you plan on opening a business bank account, or applying for a business loan. If you’re going to apply for any business licenses or permits, you’ll also need a federal tax ID in place.

To get one, you’ll need to fill out an application, answering several questions about your business and your founding members. There are several options for this application, but there’s only one that’s advantageous to businesses. Traditional methods like applying by phone, mail, or fax take far too long and are inconvenient to access. Instead, it’s better to apply online. When you apply online, you can finish the application in just a few minutes, then receive your tax ID via email in less than an hour.

5. How Do I Get a State Tax ID Number?

Though the terminology can get confusing, you should know that your state tax ID number isn’t the same as your federal tax ID number. Both work as ways to register your business with the government, and both serve as unique identifiers, but you’ll need them for very different reasons.

Your federal tax ID number registers your business with the federal government, and is used for businesses with multiple members or those hiring employees. You’ll also need a federal tax ID number for financial reasons, and for applying for business licenses and permits.

By contrast, you’ll need an Idaho state tax ID number to register with the state government of Idaho. You’ll need one if you’re hiring any employees in the state of Idaho, if you’re going to sell taxable goods and services in Idaho, or if you’re going to owe excise taxes, which apply to regulated goods like alcohol and tobacco. There are several options to get one, but you’ll always need to have a federal tax ID number in place first.

6. How Do I Get an Idaho State Tax ID Number?

The first step to getting an Idaho state tax ID number is securing your federal tax ID number, which you can get by applying online. Once you have that, you can choose to apply for an Idaho state tax ID number through a traditional method (like over the phone, by mail, or by fax), or through an online application.

If you applied online to get your federal tax ID number, you’ve experienced firsthand how easy the process is. Applying for your state tax ID number online is similarly fast and convenient. You should be able to complete the application without any problems, especially if you have all the information prepared beforehand. However, your state tax ID will likely take longer to receive than your federal tax ID; expect to wait up to 4 to 6 weeks to receive it once the application is complete.