Kentucky Tax ID (EIN) Number Application Guide

Registering a Tax ID (EIN) Number in Kentucky? Apply online and receive your Tax ID Number in under an hour by using this Kentucky Tax ID Application Guide. Most find it surprising to find that you are required to prepare personally identifying information about each of your partners, even if you own a Corporation, Trust, Non-Profit, Partnership, Estate or multi-member LLC. This simple Tax ID guide will help you through when applying for your official Tax ID (EIN) Number in Kentucky.

Steps to Obtain your Tax ID (EIN) Number in Kentucky:

  1. Prepare Required Information
  2. Apply for a Kentucky Tax ID Online
  3. Apply for a Kentucky Tax ID by Phone, Mail or Fax
  4. What Is a Kentucky CBI Number?
  5. How Do You Apply for a Kentucky CBI Number?
  6. How Do I Get a Kentucky State Tax ID Number?

1. Prepare Required Information

The first important step in the application process is getting ready to fill out the application. No matter which method you choose, you’ll need to answer several questions about your business, so you can improve the speed and efficiency of the process by gathering the answers to those questions in advance.

For starters, you’ll want to get the names and legal addresses of all founding members of your company, including yourself and any partners you may have. You’ll also want to get their social security numbers (SSNs). Then, because this application will register your business with the government, it’s a good time to decide on a business name (if you haven’t already).

2. Apply for a Kentucky Tax ID Online

There are multiple distinct ways to access your tax ID application, though some are clearly better than others. Traditional methods, like applying over the phone, by mail, or by fax were once commonly used, but have since been rendered obsolete by the online application process.

Applying online is much faster, more convenient, and more straightforward than other methods. You can access the online application using any digital device, and navigate the form easily while you answer each question about your business. In fact, if you’ve gathered all the pieces of information listed above, you should be able to complete the application in less than 5 minutes. When you’re done with the application, you’ll stand to gain from the best benefit of applying online: the wait time. After you finish filling out the application, you should receive your tax ID via email in less than an hour. That quick turnaround time means you can start your business and begin generating revenue faster.

3. Apply for a Kentucky Tax ID by Phone, Mail or Fax

Older methods aren’t nearly as fast or convenient as applying online, but they are available if you’re interested in using them. You can, for example, apply over the phone by talking to a representative and answering key questions about your business as if you were in an interview. You could also complete a paper application for your tax ID, and then mail it or fax it in. If you use one of these methods, be prepared for an extended wait time. It can take up to 4 to 6 weeks to receive your tax ID by traditional mail.

4. What Is a Kentucky CBI Number?

Your business needs to have a Kentucky CBI number, which stands for a Commonwealth Business Identifier. However, this is distinct from your federal tax ID.

Your federal tax ID is sometimes referred to as a general “tax ID.” You may also hear it called an employer identification number, or EIN. Almost all businesses will need this 9-digit number for one reason or another. You’ll need one if you’re going to hire any employees or if your business has multiple members (like in a partnership, LLC, or corporation). You’ll also need one to open a business bank account, take out a business loan, or apply for any kind of business credit. EINs are also important for applying for business licenses, permits, and certifications.

Your Kentucky CBI is another unique identifier, but one that applies on the state level. This 10-digit number is required for all Kentucky businesses, and is used for a variety of functions, including registering your business for state-level sales taxes and keeping track of your business operations. You may also hear this number referred to as a Kentucky state tax ID number.

5. How Do You Apply for a Kentucky CBI Number?

All Kentucky businesses will need to apply for a Kentucky CBI number before they can legally begin operations. Before you can apply for a CBI number, you’ll need to have your federal tax ID number in place. If you don’t already have one, follow the steps above to get yours. Ideally, you’ll use the online application method, so you can get your tax ID in less than an hour.

Once you have that federal tax ID number, you can apply for your Kentucky CBI number in one of several different ways. No matter which method you choose, you’ll need to answer several questions about the nature of your business, including information on the business’s founding members. If you’ve recently completed the federal tax ID application, this information should be readily available to you.

The best way to apply for your CBI is to apply online. It’s faster, more convenient, and more accessible. However, be aware that it may take up to 4 to 6 weeks to receive your Kentucky CBI number, since it takes longer to process than your federal tax ID.

6. How Do I Get a Kentucky State Tax ID Number?

Every Kentucky business is going to need a Kentucky state tax ID number, otherwise known as a CBI number. To get this number, you’ll first need to get a federal tax ID number. You’ll also be using your federal tax ID number for other purposes, including registering your business for federal-level taxes and applying for business bank accounts and credit.

With your federal tax ID number in hand, you’ll be able to apply for your Kentucky CBI number. You can apply through one of several different methods, but the process is always similar. You’ll answer several questions about your business, then wait 4 to 6 weeks to receive your tax ID. The best application method for getting your Kentucky CBI number, like with your federal tax ID, is applying online. It’s simply faster, easier, and more convenient.